Thursday, May 2, 2013

Review: Dolly Wink False Lashes No. 16 in Dolly Mix

Why hello, lovelies! Wow, can you believe it's May already? I just wanted to thank everyone who checked out my last haul entry and for all of the wonderful comments! It seems like many of you were just as excited about these products as I was. With that being said, I bring to you my first item from said haul that I'm pleased to review: Dolly Wink False Lashes No. 16 Dolly Mix! 

I've built up a good false lash collection now, but I noticed that I didn't have many lashes that were on the natural side. I really like wearing false lashes whenever I go out to events where I know I will be taking pictures. And many times, it's the ones with lots of volume that look best in pictures. However, when I saw these, I knew that these would be perfect as my latest addition.

For those of you who are not yet updated with Dolly Wink, Koji recently came out with three new designs for the Dolly Wink series. They're not very heavy in terms of volume and sort of fall between the classic designs and the Otana line. You should check out No.15 and No. 17 as well! 

As you can see, these are definitely more on the natural side and looks best when worn with natural-looking makeup. If you try using these with dark smokey eyes, these lovely lashes will definitely get lost in all the heaviness. 

You may notice that these look pretty similar to Dolly Wink's False Lashes No. 1 in Dolly Sweet. I actually wrote a guest review on Xlicious Girl's blog here a year ago, back when I had braces! =# The lashes alternate from thick to thin, but in contrast to No. 1, the size of each individual lash is relatively around the same length until it gets to the outer edge of the lashes, where it slightly tapers out in size. 

So in the same fashion as my last false lash review for Diamond Lash's Glamorous Eyes here, let's break it down into three categories: Design, Comfort and Durability. 

Design: ❤❤❤❤❤

To start out, let me just say that I love love love these lashes, hence the 5-heart rating! I wore these with my Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green (Bambi series) lenses. The Geo Princess Mimi series also comes endorsed by Tsubasa and as expected, they're quality lenses and have been quite popular among beauty bloggers. 

For those of you who wish to add a more natural lash to your collection for a cutesy and girly look, I highly recommend these lashes. I know the design looks very simple and maybe a bit boring to some, but when you actually put the lashes on, it still draws attention to your eyes in cute, doll-like way. It's not as bold or intimidating, so I can definitely see people using these as an everyday or casual kind of lash. 

I can see myself wearing these for when I go shopping with friends or for afternoon tea. Like I said before, these type of lashes work best with simple eye makeup, so I didn't bother wearing eyeliner for my lower lashes and instead smudged some dark shimmery taupe eyeshadow and glittery light pink eye shadow. To complement the green lenses, I paired them with NYX Matte Lip Cream in Istanbul, which is this pretty matte pink lip color. 

However, for those of you who prefer lashes with a lot of volume and length, then I would probably abstain from purchasing these, just because Dolly Wink has so many other designs that would provide a lot more length and volume. 

Comfort: ❤❤❤❤❤

Lashes? What lashes? Honestly, these were so comfortable that I sometimes forgot I was even wearing lashes! Because these are natural looking, the lashes end up feeling so light weight and really deserve their 5-heart rating. I had these on for around four hours while shopping and not once did they poke my eyes or weigh my natural lashes down.

And of course, you have the whole Dolly Wink brand to thank for that. Their lash bands are known to be super light-weight, in contrast to many other Japanese or Korean brands out there. With Dolly Wink, you can definitely expect comfort to be one of the their top prevailing factors. 

Durability: ❤❤❤❤❤

Uh oh, now here is where we have to venture into the not-so-pretty territory. Understandably, when you have lash bands that are incredibly thin and flexible, you can expect them to be susceptible to easy breakage. 

The great thing about how lightweight the lash band is is how easy it is to put on. You know how some lashes you kind of have to bend many times to adhere to your eye shape? Luckily, these lashes were one of the easiest lashes I've ever put on. 

Unfortunately, taking them off was a tad more difficult than I expected. The lash band is really delicate, so you have to make sure that when pulling them off, you pull them off gently according to the shape of your eye. I accidentally pulled them off in a bit of a weird angle, and one of the individual lashes almost  got bent out of shape because the eyelash glue stuck to it. 

You also have to be really careful when cleaning your eyelash glue off, because if you tug at it too hard, well, then say goodbye to your lovely lashes, because any breakage will look very obvious. While I'm in love with these lashes, I can't really foresee them lasting through that many wears.



Despite my 3-heart rating on its durability, I still highly recommend these lashes. Sometimes a girl just needs casual false lashes for those times when you want to dress up a little, but not go overboard with the makeup. If you look at Tsubasa Masukawa and other Japanese gyaru, you may notice that they're more about showing off the lashes rather than piling on the eyeshadow with dark smokey eyes to emphasize the eyes. While I love both styles, I love the carefree, light-heartedness of these lashes for the summer and will definitely be using these a lot more often. 


Okay, now this is just for fun. I debated whether or not I should post these pictures, considering when it comes to wearing false lower lashes, I'm pretty much a noob. But in the spirit of practice makes perfect, maybe you beauty bloggers can help me out and give me tips and constructive criticism (be nice, please ;_;) . 

So I paired these Dolly Wink False Lashes No. 16 with my Dolly Wink False Lower Lashes No. 5 in  Real Nude. I actually bought these a while ago but due to my noobness, I had undergone several failed attempts to put these on and never succeeded before this time.  

The good thing is that I actually managed to get these on my lower lashes without poking myself getting glue all over my under eye area like how I normally do. For that I give myself a pat on the back. 

When I looked at myself in the mirror, to be honest, I got a little freaked out. I know I'm just not used to wearing false lower lashes, because that was the exact same reaction I had when I wore my first pair of false upper lashes many years ago. I was like, "Ahhhh what are those spiders doing on my eyes?!" However, after taking pictures with them on, I found myself pleasantly surprised. 

I actually sort of like how the lower lashes complement my light eye makeup and balance out the top lashes. Because these are more on the natural side, the No. 16 and No. 5 pair nicely together. 

I tried to avoid putting it too close to my lower lash line because so many people say that it could rip out the lower eye lashes. And I already lack them as it is. Taking them off can I put it? Excruciating. Evidently, I must have done exactly what not to do, because as soon as I managed to get them off, I found myself tearing up. Apparently, I need just as much practice taking them off as I do putting them on. :3

Wow, this was kind of a long entry. If you're reading up to here, thank you for getting through that with me! So what did you think of these lashes? Will you be grabbing these as well for your next pair of false lashes? Or have you tried any of the new Dolly Wink lashes in No. 15, 16 or 17? Please let me know in the comments below. And stay tuned for more upcoming reviews next week!

With love, Tiffany


  1. huge fan of dolly wink lashes! these ones are really nice, i'm going to look out for them :)

    1. Hehe thank you, yes you should definitely check them out! Can't go wrong with them :D

  2. Nice review! It was so detailed lol :))!! I prefer natural looking lashes more so these really appealed to me!!
    They also look great on you!!♥

    1. Haha thank you! <3 I try to be as detailed as possible, I hope I didn't drone on for too long haha xD Yes, these are probably one of the more natural lashes from the Dolly Wink collection =)

  3. The lashes look gorgeous, especially the bottom ones!
    I'd get them if they weren't so pricey. : (
    Thanks for reviewing! ^_^

    1. Awww haha thank you! I'm glad I finally got the bottom lashes on successfully <3
      Yeah, I wish they weren't so pricey. The quality is awesome and all but there are also other great Japanese brands that offer 4-5 pairs in a box for the same price, so these are just the splurge kind of item :3

  4. wow, you look so gorgeous with it on (;
    come check out my 100+ followers giveaway Tiffany (;

    1. Hehe thank you, Nhi! :D
      Aww yayy that's so awesome! Thanks for holding another giveaway, I'll be sure to enter it <3

  5. I love the look of false lashes. However, I'm always too lazy to use them. There was a stage where I had eyelash extensions which was perfect for me because I could just wake up and wash my face and leave the house looking slightly more acceptable. :p

    1. Ooh eyelash extensions are awesome! I got them done in Korea once and it was great not having to wear mascara or put on fake lashes, it made my makeup routine so much shorter. But it's kinda pricier here in the States so it's fake lashes for me haha =p

  6. Oh this lashes are so gorgeus and looks really lovely on you!
    Many thanks for the review!


    1. Thank you, lovely! Loved your most recent review on the Hanskin BB cream <3

  7. Haha Tiffany! What a coincidence I saw lashes no 16 in the mall yesterday and was thinking if I should get it but I decided not to because I was still hesitating which upper lashes I really liked cause no 16 looks a bit too natural and common for me haha but then your eyes look absolutely pretty with those lashes on! Love the natural look on you. And the lower lashes look great as well. Great job tiff ^^ but I know what you mean with the lashes being too delicate when I try taking the glue off some of the lashes get pulled too haha. But great entry & review <3 btw I love your hair!

    1. Awww hehe thank you, Misa! You are always so sweet <3
      Yeah, honestly, if you like to do gyaru/Japanese style makeup often, I think there are better lashes out there for achieving the looks rather than these lashes, since they are kinda common :3
      And oh my, these lashes were probably the hardest to get the glue off, I had to use a tweezer to take it off hahaha

  8. The lashes look really good on you! I loved how you pair the upper and lower lashes together. (:

    I've followed you on gfc and bloglovin! Hope you'll check out my blog and follow me too (:

    1. Haha thank you, Chermaine, the naturalness of both the upper and lower lashes matched well so I just randomly pulled them out and tried them together! xD
      Thank you for checking out my blog, I have followed you back! Looking forward to your updates <3

  9. Hi!
    I’m follovin’ your blog on GFC and Bloglovin :)
    Would you like to follow each other?
    I’ll wait for you on my blog.



  10. These lashes looks too natural haha ^.^

    Btw, this lipstick looks nice on you :D

    1. Ahaha thank you, Anya! Yeah, they are super natural haha I'd only recommend these for the girls looking to do a natural look =p

  11. Hey, wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the Liebster Award :D

  12. I've always wanted to try Dolly Wink False Lashes. >w< They just look so cute.

    1. Yes, you definitely should! But for people who are trying them out for the first time, I would recommend No. 1 or No. 2, they're the classics haha <3

  13. love them, you look so pretty! <3

    btw I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award:

    1. Awww, thank you Nana! I really appreciate it, I will fill it out sometime soon <3

  14. I've been looking for lashes to try~
    I love your blog and I'm following now~

    1. Haha thank you for following, Alexa! Awesome blog you have, following back! :D

  15. the lashes look great on you tiff! i should really buy new ones. im so lazy and cheap, so i use the same lashes all the time :D hahahaha i've had them forrevvvaaaa!

    xoxo Sarah

    1. Hehe thank you, Sarah! I have tons of lashes that I've been keeping and using forever as well. I still have those Dolly Wink No.1 lashes that I reviewed on your blog hahahah :3

  16. They look really love and pretty on you! Just found your blog and enjoying reading your reviews :D

    1. Awww, thank you, Laura, you're so sweet! And thanks for checking out my blog as well, I try to be informative in my reviews hehe just checked out your blog, you have some great reviews on Japanese and Korean products <3
